For Actors, Actresses & Performers

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3 Meditations to Help You Get In (And STAY In) Your Creative Zone of Genius So That You Nail Every Audition and Land the Gig!

Level up your confidence, your radiance and your unique expression that makes YOU ‘the one they’ve been looking for’!

These 3 Guided Meditations Will Help You To...

  • Automatically ELIMINATE the overwhelming anxiety and self-doubt so that your auditions are powerful, spontaneous, authentic and even fun!

  • Activate and EMBODY your ‘Inner Starpower’ so that you radiate ‘that certain something’ that makes you standout and become the ONE for the job!

  • Program the master code into your mind that allows you to instantly tap into your creative genius for brilliant performance ON COMMAND.

  • SILENCE that Inner Critic for good, so that your full range of emotions are free flowing and impactful - so that you never question your BOLD CHOICES again!

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